Broadway and the Old Bowling Green - 1831


The Old Bowling Green and Broadway. Illustration engraved by Barnard & Dick after a drawing by J.H. Dakin, published in 1831 by Peabody & Co in Views in New-York and its Environs. Source: New York Public Library.

The Park was established in the 18th century. The wrought iron fence was installed in 1771 to protect the statue of King George III (pulled down in 1776). The Kennedy Mansion, on the left, was the headquarters of General Washington. It was the site of a tavern in the 17th century. On the right, we can see a public hand pump water fountain and the old Adelphi Hotel, a big building at the time, with six floors, destroyed in the Great Fire of 1845.


Broadway NY


Antique photos of NYC




Old Bowling Green


Washington Building




Bowling Green NYC


Mansions NY



Bowling Green fountain


More: Bowling Green in the 19th century


Bowling Green 1845


Bowling Green images




Broadway and the Old Bowling Green - 1831




19th century NYC







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