Santa Catarina


Located in southern Brazil, the state of Santa Catarina is home to German, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian and Polish settlements.

With more than 6 million residents, unites a diversity of scenery and people. Beautiful landscapes with white sand beaches along the coast of 561 kilometers, tropical forests and snowy mountains. Florianópolis is the capital.


Geographic Guide







Above, German architecture in Blumenau, Santa Catarina (photo M. Martins). More pictures of Brazil


Florianópolis as seen from Morro da Cruz.




Beach Santa Catarina

The stunningly beautiful beaches of Guarda do Embaú, in the Santa Catarina coast, Brazil.


Praia de Laranjeiras


Mapa Santa Catarina


Travel Brazil


Beaches of Santa Catarina

With 561 km of coast, the State of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil, has beaches of rare natural beauty. Some of them of difficult access, but still a worthwhile visit.

There is the beaches of Florianópolis, the capital of Santa Catarina, near  the resources of a big town. There is also the wonderful beaches of Garopaba, Praia do Rosa, Guarda do Embaú (photo), Laguna, Imbituba, Balneário Camboriú, Bombinhas, São Francisco do Sul and many others.


Beach of Balneário Camboriú.






Balneário Camboriu, a resort in southern Brazil.


Portal of Joinville, the biggest city of Santa Catarina. See also Salvador and São Paulo


Map Brazil


History Brazil


Santa Catarina map






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Images Santa Catarina