Custom House - 1908


The building of the U. S. Custom House, facing Bowling Green, New York, 1908. It was erected between 1902 and 1907. Photographer: Irving Underhill. Source: Library of Congress.

This was the site of the old Government House, built in 1790 and demolished in 1815. In the late 19th century, most structures on the site were three-story houses used by steamship offices. They were demolished in 1900, between February and July. The cornerstone of the building was laid on October 7, 1902. In 1990, the building was officially renamed after the first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, by act of Congress.


Custom House


Antique photos of NYC






Bowling Green images


Buildings Broadway NY


Government House



NY late 19th century


NYC Bowling Green


Custom House - 1908


Skyscrapers NY



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