Fountain of Madison Square Park - 1903


Fountain of the Madison Square Park, looking northeast toward the Madison Square Garden. Photograph published by William Herman Rau (1855-1920), Philadelphia, PA, copyright 1903. Source: stereograph card from Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

This second Madison Square Garden, in the background, replaced the original building in 1890. At right, on the northeast corner of 25th Street, is the New York Appellate Courthouse, completed in 1899 in neoclassic style.






Madison Square


Madison Square


Madison Square Park


Bowling Green fountain


Old City New York


Roman Hippodrome

Built by Phineas Taylor Barnum.


Brooklyn Bridge NY



Carriages NY


Madison Avenue Building


Fountain of Madison Square Park - 1903


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 20th Century NYC. Historic Buildings.