Times Square in the Fifties


Times Square, New York City, on a vintage postcard in the 1950s, looking north the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. Photograph shows traffic, pedestrians, billboards, theaters and hotels in the area. Source: Columbia University Libraries.

Hotel Astor is on left, between 44th Street and 45th Street. It was completed in an 11-story elaborate Beaux-Arts building with a mansard roof, with a garden on top. The hotel was demolished in 1967 to make way for the Minskoff Building.

On the opposite side, is the old Bond Clothing Store with enormous classical sculptures of a man and woman. The store was an icon in Times Square from the 1940s to 1980s. Today, the site is occupied by the Bond 45 Restaurant.

Hotel Claridge is on right. The old Loew's State Theatre is on the left at 1540 Broadway. It opened in 1921 and closed in 1987. More: Times Square looking north


Times Square Fifties



Times Square



NY 20th Century



Billboards Night Times Square


West 45 Street


Times Square in the Fifties


20th century NY



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