New York & Brooklyn - 1850


Bird's-eye View of New York City and Brooklyn, showing Battery Park and Governors Island in the foreground. Illustration drawn from nature & on stone by John Bachmann (1814-1896), copyright 1850. Bachmann was born in Switzerland and arrived in New York City in 1848. Source: Collection of Graphic Arts and Social History, Huntington Digital Library.

Below, enlargements of a similar image black and white, copyright 1851, drawn by the same artist (Source: Library of Congress).


New York NY Brooklyn


Bird's Eye Views of NYC



On the right, enlargement of part of the harbor.

Below, enlargement of the part of Brooklyn (©1851).




NY Port


More: Historical maps of New York City




NY Nineteenth Century


NY Panorama



Lower Manhattan 19th century NY







Manhattan 19th century






Brick Church


Below, enlargement of a part of Downtown Manhattan.



New York & Brooklyn - 1850







New York City 19th century







Copyright © Geographic Guide - 19th Century NYC.







NY 19th Century