Federal Hall, Wall Street and Trinity Church in 1789


This print shows a view of Wall Street and Federal Hall as it appeared circa 1791, with pedestrians on the sidewalk and in the street, and Trinity Church (second temple) in the background. Contributor Names: artist Cornelius Tiebout (1777-1832), Clay & Richmond. Published 1879? Source: Library of Congress.

More: Wall Street in 18th century



Original title: From a Contemporary Print. Federal Hall, Wall Street and Trinity Church, New York, in 1789.

Additional caption printed: The first congress of the United States was convened in Federal Hall, in the city of New York, corner of Wall and Nassau streets, and Washington was inaugurated in the balcony of this hall, April 30th 1789, before a large concourse of people whose joy was inexpressible. Washington made an address to congress and addressed a fervent supplication to Almighty God for the nation.


Federal Hall



Historical map NY 1789


Another version of the illustration above by the same artist Cornelius Tiebout. Original title: A Perspective View of the City Hall in New York, Taken from Wall Street. The Society of Iconophiles, New York, 1902. Re-engraved on copper by Sidney Lawton Smith (1845-1929). Source: Library of Congress.


Vintage images


19th century


Trinity Church


Federal Hall, Wall Street and Trinity Church in 1789


Trinity Church


NY nineteenth century


Federal Hall


Wall Street



Federal Hall 1797



Old Wall Street




Copyright © Geographic Guide - Antique images of NYC, 18th century.




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