Times Building


This is the projected Times Building as it was published in the New York Times on June 27, 1903. Original title: A perspective view of the new Times Building from the architects plan.

The projected building at 42nd Street, between Broadway and 7th Avenue, was facing the old Long Acre Square, renamed Times Square the following year.

Deep excavation for the foundations of the building began in mid-1903. The cornerstone was laid on January 18, 1904 and it was built of terra-cotta and brick, with granite base. The Times Building was completed in the late 1904, but occupancy began much before that.

Source: the New York Public Library, gift from the New York Times.

On June 27, 1903, the edition of the New York Times, which published this drawing, reported: "Today the neighborhood of Newspaper Row is the only quarter of the City in which a newspaper plant, considered as manufacturing establishment, can be operated without grave inconvenience and loss of time. That limitation is to be removed, and that condition wholly changed by the completion of the underground rapid transit railway. The trains of that railway will run through the basement of the Times's new building".





Project - 1903


Old City of New York



N Y Times Tower


NYC 1900



Old trading floor of the NYSE.


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Antique of NYC. Historic Places.


Map Times Square



Times Building


Old City New York