Maps of New York City - 19th Century


By the turn of the century, New York became the largest city in the United States, with a population of over 60 thousand people.

The street grid of Manhattan was introduced by the Commissioners’ Plan in 1811, seeking to provide for orderly development and land sales in Manhattan. It was a design for the streets of Manhattan above Houston Street and below 155th Street. The Commission was appointed by New York State Legislature, in 1807, in support of the Common Council of the City of New York.

In 1870, New York City had almost one million residents and the early skyscrapers were being constructed. Since then, Lower Manhattan's skyline has changed dramatically decade after decade. Utility poles and overhead wires polluted the cityscape. They were removed and buried after the Great Blizzard of 1888.

In 1883, Brooklyn Bridge over the East River opened to traffic. In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated.

In 1898, New York City expanded to encompass its current geographic boundaries, including its five boroughs: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Total population reached 3,4 million inhabitants in 1900, the last year of the century.

Also: Skylines & Bird's Eye Views of NYC, 19th Century

More maps and panoramic views of NYC:

Maps of NYC - 17th Century

Maps of NYC - 18th Century

Maps of NYC - 20th Century

Bird's Eye Views of New York

Aerial Views of New York

Skylines of New York City



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New York City 19th century




Maps of New York City - 19th Century



New-York & Brooklyn



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